The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 52: Update XLIX - Featuring: Incredibly bad messages

Update XLIX - Featuring: Incredibly bad messages

Music: The Daily Grind

You obtained High-Grade Bento x1.

System Message: I'm your navigator, so if there's anything you need, or even if there's not, feel free to call me!

System Message: You can now invite Mio to the Skylounge!

We have a few bentos to go through.

You obtained Stamina Bento x1.

System Message: I wish to converse with you in private. Please call me when you have a break from your mission.

System Message: You can now invite Yuma to the Skylounge!

Meanwhile Yuma flips from 'emotions are a crutch and I need to be strong grrrrrrrrr' to just... wanting to hang out.

You obtained High-Grade Bento x1.

No ID from Yoritomo just yet. I think all of these pop just from reaching Chapter 5.

Up next is getting Sailas to translate that book for us.

I see... Translating a history book, hm? I don't mind. I was just thinking about getting a refresher on that stuff~. Well, let's get to it.

Where should I start?

Translate the title.

The title is: "The Eden Chronicle”... And then the subtitle is: “Six Countries and the Nameless Heroes”...



Translate the body.

We were able to talk to the people of Eden with no issues, yet they use an entirely different writing system? How the hell does that work?

Due to the sudden arrival of dragons from another world, Eden was plunged into crisis. Dragonsbane flooded the world, which was faced with 666 dragons. People all over lost their lives. Even the Lucier Cannon, crafted by the Hypnos Sisters and 1,000 Lucier souls, could not win. However, all despair must come to an end. After overcoming great tragedy, Eden was rescued... Rescued by the hands of great heroes, led by the President of the Kazan Republic, Dohris Agot. Even though Dohris perished, his soul fused with the Dragonslayer and helped defeat the True Dragon. The hero who led the charge after the death of Dohris was... one called dragon hunter.

For whatever reason, VFD treats 7D1 as being cleared by a solo party.

This isn't out of left field either, the 7D1 segment of the intro movie also shows Lucier F!Fighter on her own.

And yet, without their help, humanity would surely have been annihilated. After that Dragon Calamity, many countries began rapidly rebuilding their destroyed cities and towns. That restoration was only possible thanks to the devoted work of that nameless adventurer.


Translate the annotation.

Preloma, City of Scholars... An isolated city, it is the source of Eden's knowledge. Its scholars specialize in ancient societies. The Kazan Republic... The freest city in the world, and home to the nameless adventurer who would one day save it. Tokion... Exists in a different dimension from Eden. The warrior Takehaya lies in its Muskahmi Ruins.

We aren't going to Tokion, I'd like to mention. Just so you don't get your hopes up.

Also lol Nevanplace, Mylos, Aizhen, and Marlleaire don't get even a token mention.


Well, I guess that's just about everything~.

That was pretty interesting. Just let me know if you need anything else~.

Now to report back to Allie.

Excellent! So that means you're solid now on Eden's history, right? OK OK★ Well then, what did you think, Opal?

Eden is really interesting.

That's right. It is the future of this planet, after all★ There are many places other than just Kazan and Preloma. If not for this situation we have going on, I'd want to take lots of time and just explore Eden!


I wonder why Eden was created...

Hm... Not even I can answer that★ But Atlantis's destruction gave rise to our civilization, so... Maybe it's a case of out with the old, in with the news★


I want to meet the heroes of Eden.

You mean like Dohris, or Takehaya? *giggle* I'm sure they were very appealing heroes★ I'm sure they would have wanted to meet you too if they were still alive! *giggle* Don't worry about that stuff though★


Well, your Employee Training has finally come to an end! You really worked hard. Here's your reward★ Use it well!

You obtained 3,000 Az!

You obtained SP Up EX x2.

You obtained Dragon Hatchling x1.

Dragon Hatchlings are our EX restore item.

Considering how powerful EX Skills are, these are going to get saved for a rainy day.

Oh yes! I'll return that book for you.

The Reference Room is always open, so be sure to poke your head in there when you get the chance!

Up next is that stalker who's been following Ulania.

Tohma: I caught this man storing images of Lady Ulania from various angles in this thing he calls a camera!

Yoshi: I told you, that's not what I was doing! Look, you can check my camera if you don't believe me. Go ahead, Unit 13.

Tohma: How can this be...? There were surely several images of Lady Ulania stored in that device.

*shakes head*

Yoshi: This camera is used for equipment inspection. All that's on there are photos of Nodens equipment.

Tohma: That... can't be!

Yoshi: Sorry for the confusion... I hope you understand now.

Tohma: How do I explain this...? The way his eyes gazed upon Lady Ulania was simply not normal... Could you please investigate him a little further?


Tohma: Thank you very much...! I believe he is from the Development Floor of this building...

Ulania has nothing to say about this sidequest.

We have to talk to Julietta for info on Yoshi.

You'll definitely be able to find him there... What business could you have with him, anyways...?

A cutscene starts as soon as we get near the pods.

Ulania's 16, as a reminder.

Ear-Loving Girl: I-It's nothing, OK?

What were you doing?

Photographer: Ummm, well... It's kinda like... a viewing party.


Who were you talking about?

Photographer: Ummm, well... She's kinda like... a goddess.


Yoshi: It's OK, everyone.

Ear-Loving Girl: Captain!

Yoshi: My name is Yoshi. I'm the head of maintenance for the development sector at Nodens. And...

Not really top secret when you're hanging around Noden's most popular spot.

Ear-Loving Girl: Member number 001: Yumika! I search high and low for anything that has to do with cat ears!

Photographer: Member number 002: Meguppe! I want nothing more than to be tied up by flowing pink hair!

Okay that's just fucking creepy.

Frivolous Man: Member number 003: Kazuki! My whole paycheck goes towards this club!

Ear-Loving Girl: We've been fans of Lady Ulania ever since we saw her in the plaza.

Yoshi: By the way, the photos you saw on that inspection camera were all fakes. We set it up so that the photos I take of Lady Ulania are sent to Meguppe to the moment they're taken.

Why would you do that...?

Yoshi: I didn't understand the meaning of true beauty until I laid eyes on Lady Ulania... Not just beauty of appearance, but a beauty within her dignified, noble heart... Such intense beauty has never before existed in Tokyo. She is nothing short of a goddess.

Interestingly enough, this actually had a bit of setup! If we go back to the Intermission, where we brought Ulania outside:

You can see Yoshi in the crowd.


Why not be open about it...?

Yoshi: We can't. Lady Ulania is the emotional pillar for all the refugees from Atlantis. It would be rude for us Tokyo-ites to openly praise her glorious mystique.


Frivolous Man: ...We know taking these kinds of photos is bad, but... Lady Ulania almost never comes out in public...

Photographer: We started by taking photos from far away when she was on the terrace or near a window... But we kept wanting to get closer. Closer... and closer... and then—

Ear-Loving Girl: Please, don't be mad at Captain! He took a really big risk to get those photos for us...!

She'd understand if you explain.

Yoshi: Explain?


You should apologize.

Yoshi: Apologize?


Yoshi: You mean... to Lady Ulania!? N-N-No, that's just... W-Wait wait wait...

Ear-Loving Girl: Even our amazing captain has never actually spoken to Lady Ulania...

Frivolous Man: What're you afraid of, Captain!? You should totally go!

Photographer: This is our chance to finally meet the goddess! We'll tag along~!

Yoshi: U-Um... O-OK! I'm a man... I can do this. I'm going to go apologize to Lady Ulania! Will you take us to her, Unit 13?

We don't talk to Tohma or anything, we just head straight to Ulania.

Oh huh the Ear-Loving Girl is actually a kid.

Can't really tell from the camera angle in the last scene.

Tohma: Lady Ulania... How do you wish to deal with them?

...You sure? Not even the chick who wants to get tied up in your hair?

Tohma: You wish to forgive them...!?

Indeed, I do.

Tohma: Let us at least seize the large number of photographs from their villainous clutches...

*shakes head*

Just like Atlantis, Tokyo faces imminent destruction at the hands of the dragons. If photographs of me will provide a source of hope and comfort for the people of this city... Then that is appropriate atonement for my inability to save the people of my kingdom.

Remember kids: stalking a minor is A-OK so long as you're doing it to cope with the apocalypse!

Tohma: Lady Ulania...

Yoshi, and the other members of this fan club...

Yoshi: Y-Yes!

Your feelings towards me do not come from... dark places, correct?

Frivolous Man: T-Totally! We're like, pure as snow!

Just say the word, Ulania, we can have Meguppe in another time period and out of Japanese jurisdiction before the day is out...

Then there is no reason to hide in the shadows. Do not take any more photos of me in secret. However, I will create opportunity for you to interact with me in a more normal setting.

From today onwards, you shall be my official fan club. I hope this relationship will grow even stronger going forward.

Yoshi: Lady Ulania is a true goddess... *snivel*

At the very least, these guys cease to exist the moment this sidequest ends so we'll never have to deal with them again.

Tohma: I suppose it is because of that heart that she is able to attract those even from other times. We too have much to learn from the warmth that radiates from Lady Ulania's heart. This is a token of my gratitude. Thank you very much!

You obtained 3,000 Az!

That's it. Just a pittance of money for enabling an obsessed group of fans. Not even some token healing items.

I love how gentle you are, but you'll need to harden that soft heart of yours this time.

I stop off to chat with Julietta before moving to the next quest.

Said quest is at the Eden ward, but you know what I found on the way there?

Muta: It is a crystal of wisdom that has formed from their years of fending off dragons and monsters. It will surely be of great use.

Another unmarked field skill.

Anyways, Stealth Lv. 3 gives 5 charges of complete random encounter disabling.

Wounded Huntsman: I'm still in pain, but at least now I can move my arm.

The one person we saved at the Ladyin Ruins has also moved in.

And our questgiver is the guy we met back when the ward first opened.

Goht: I used to be a cook in Preloma. Before 'aze attacked, my restaurant always got top marks. The day of my wedding anniversary is almost 'ere. My wife can't wait for 'er gift. Every year, I make 'er a meal with monster parts, but I can't get my 'ands on them 'ere. So, I 'umbly request that you go gather the ingredients for me.


Goht: Woah! Thanks a 'eap! The ingredients I need are: One Flame Collagen, one Ebony Wing, and one Marbled Copper Beef. You should be able to get all of them in Preloma. Thanks for the 'elp!

Since we haven't, you know, been to Preloma yet, this one will have to go on the backburner for now.

So our last sidequest for today is from this guy in the Development Room.

Ryo: Woahhh, there are scratches all over your weapons! It's like you're real fighters! Oh, sorry! To tell you the truth, I've always wanted to get a look at some equipment up close...

Are you a weapon buff?

Ryo: No, no! It's not like that!


Are you a fan of Unit 13?

Ryo: Well of course I'm rooting for you guys, but...


Ryo: I'm developing a new game title here in the Development Room. Seeing your look and battle techniques was a huge help in polishing up my project idea!

And now we've gone from dealing with a team of stalkers, to helping a man make monster stew, to making a knock-off of the very game we're playing. Meanwhile Emel is a ticking time-bomb that's been waging a one dragon war against any dragon stupid enough to be in Preloma.

Welcome to VFD.

Ryo: “BFD” stands for “Big Freaking Demon”! Whadya think? Doesn't it sound fun!?

What an exciting name!

Ryo: Right!? I thought so, too... But then my boss told me he didn't want me to keep working on it...

That's rather understandable on Julietta's part considering the active dragon invasion that's going on.


That sounds terrible...

Ryo: Hey...! Don't be so quick to turn me down! It seems like it could be pretty good. At least, it did... But then my boss told me he didn't want me to keep working on it...


Ryo: Anyways, it's supposed to be set in an ancient planet covered in water! But a giant demon emerges from the abyssal depths of the sea and wreaks havoc... Anyways, can you take me to Atlantica!? I'm gonna prove that this idea can work!

I can't guarantee your safety.

Ryo: That's fine! I'll gladly put my life on the line for this game!


It's too dangerous!

Ryo: Don't say that! I'm begging you, please help! I'm putting it all on the line for this game! I don't plan on giving up! I'm just gonna keep asking until you say yes!

This has the same responses as the last one.


Ryo: I'm ready to go any time, so let me know when you wanna go!

You'll find out why I changed to Team 2 in a moment.

You have to talk to Ryo again to actually have him head out.


Ryo: Alright! Let's gooo!

And even then, you still have to go to Atlantica yourself!

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Oh, so that's why Atlantica still has Dragonsbane.

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

This is what time travel has been reduced to.

Bringing a game developer on a guided tour of the past to give him idea for a new project.

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Ryo: Hm...? I feel a good idea coming from back over there...!

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

I think you can tell what this quest is about.

We have to run through Atlantica again.

Oh, and the monsters here are the exact same as before, but thankfully we just got Stealth 3 so we don't have to waste time on them.

Our target is that new dragon, which is right before the last area.

This isn't a game! Stand back!

Ryo: What an epic line! Let me write that down...! S-Sorry, I couldn't help it!


Why not try fighting it?

Ryo: I-I'll have to pass! I can't really gather data if I'm fighting, after all...


Ryo: The battle between Unit 13 and BFD is finally here...!

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

So, why is Team 2 taking this?

Simple, really.

Tier 3 means Brave Sword.

Life Oath to give Valerie more LF.

Exhaust for more damage.



That damage doesn't seem like much right now, but keep in mind that Valerie still needs to cap out LIFE Bonus (which will give 1.3x LF) and Life Oath. (which gives another 1.3x boost) Plus, every level effectively double dips to increase Brave Sword's damage, boosting both LF and MAT.

And since items have priority...

Valerie doesn't have to worry about outspeeding a heal!

Although she could probably use some SPD boosters so she can outspeed enemies.

Brave Sword's damage isn't nearly as impressive if the user is already hurt.

Music: Finish Them Off

Next time: Preloma, after a small detour.